The temperatures and the fishing continue to be HOT!! The catching is all over the board for depths and locations due to the water flowing in from the north and the varying air temperatures. Depths range from 8' - 40' depending on wind, temperature and method of fishing. Locations also range from Sutton Bay to Dodge Draw. Some are using nightcrawlers or leeches on spinners, propellers and butterfly blades. Others prefer to fish deeper using jigging raps, flicker shads and other plugs of choice. I know this sounds like one the vaguest fishing reports we've ever posted, but long story short, the fishing is good and where/how you fish is your choice. Whatever way you choose, take advantage of it and get out on the water!
Happy Fishing!!
How to Find South Whitlock Resort
29500 US Hwy 212 - Gettysburg, SD 57442
© South Whitlock Resort - Lake Oahe Resort & Campground
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